No that sounds pretty simple right? Wrong. My occupational health review has been confirmed to take place in December. It's only 2nd week of November. I was told that I can only return to work prior to the occupational health review under my existing full time hours contract. My doctors have agreed that I have pushed myself too far and agree that I should only be doing part time right now and I have to agree that I don't think I'm capable of doing full time hours. I feel I'm being pushed into a corner to be honest. To top it off today I received a call stating that because I previously had time off sick this year (following my shoulder replacement I had time off to recover post surgery) I have reached my limit of sick pay for this year and will not be paid for the time off I have had recently. Again, I'm backed into a corner as I now feel I have to return to work for financial reasons rather than actually being ready. I am unsure what to do at the moment, I feel very isolated and my choices are limited. If I remain off work I won't be paid. If I go back I'm not sure how well
I'll cope. I also feel that they haven't fully supported my request for fewer hours but have had to accept due to legal ramifications rather than concern for my health and I now worry about the attitude towards me when I do return to work. It's actually made me very stressed out, at a time where I have been signed off by a doctor anyway and should be resting and I'm receiving calls and emails from work almost daily to update me on my fate. I just have a gut feeling this isn't right. I was then told today, after the call informing me I wasn't being paid for time off, that occupational health will now agree to me returning to work on part time hours until my review only if a doctor states that I am fit to work with these conditions. That has just emphasised the pressure to go back to ensure I have some money coming in but who knows what they will say at this review? Are they trying to get rid of me? I'm starting to fear that I am more of a hindrance than a help and I'm sure that's not right. These feelings are subjective and it could easily be denied that it was my employers intention to cause any stress or worry at a time of ill health. Cherry on the cake is the stress over the past couple of days has triggered yet more illness. I developed a really sore throat and a visit to my GP (again... I swear I should be paying rent there) today confirmed its tonsillitis. I just thought it would be easier than this, that I would be fully supported and encouraged to come back when I am fit and ready and be welcomed by my colleagues in doing so. I don't feel welcomed whatsoever, more like forced back into a team that is only following the rules rather than actually valuing me as an employee. I have worked very hard all my life, been a valued member of every team and I could not feel more worthless at this point. I'm fed up. Sick and tired of being sick and tired more to the point. I always try and be positive in my approach to things but there are some days where I just feel enough is enough and want to hide away until things get better. The best thing about today? A cool strawberry milkshake to soothe my throat which my sister bought me. Life isn't all that bad.
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